Our Journey Home

Monday, April 15, 2013

Family Fun Day is almost here!

 We would love to invite your family to Family Fun Day at New Life Camp on Saturday, April 20! This special event is completely free! Your family can come enjoy a day at the camp, complete with a cook out, games, ropes courses, archery and more. We hope you'll join us! Just click here to register and find out more details.
Our children's ministry leadership team wanted to promote this upcoming family day, so we decided to dress up for church yesterday. We had t-shirts made that read, "Ask me about... family fun day!". We all had a good laugh, though, when we realized that our t-shirts had a slightly misleading message when worn by a pregnant woman...
 Amanda, our childrens pastor's wife, was such a good sport!  She joined us as we all laughed and laughed!
The tube socks team! wink.
And, while we were waiting to get a group picture taken, JJ found his sweet friend, Maddie. He had to give her lots of love before she left!
"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory."- Romans 8:16-17


  1. I love your blog pic at the top!!!! You all look soooo beautiful! Oh how I miss you Best Friend!

    And love the groovy tshirts and socks for family fun day!!! Precious!

  2. Love the shirts! Did you cut your hair? It looks shorter!
