We had lots of fun with our homegroup family this weekend! We meet once a month as a homegroup to pray, share a meal, and fellowship. This month, we decided to change things up a bit and have a Minute to Win It challenge! Just like the television show, we only had one minute to complete each silly challenge. We love all these families so much! Patrick and Shonna Scotty and Meghan Michael and Andrea John and Jeff... neither of their sweet wives could join us this time! Mike and Lindsey David and me... I don't take pressure well! wink! John hustles with his cottonball! Lindsey with her head in a bowl of cottonballs. Andrea with some swift moves! Go Meghan! Patrick was a real trooper. He isn't particularly fond of cottonballs. (Or glitter. Just for the record. wink!) Shonna bobbing her head for the Bobble Head challenge. The pedometer attached to her hat needed to reach over 140 clicks in one minute. Whew!
Scotty- bobbin' along.
Grace giving it her best try! Michael, with his coach, Andrea, close by! The most handsome bobble head I've ever seen! The face cookie challenge! We had to get an Oreo into our mouth, using only our face muscles. Michael gobbled up his cookie in no time! Andrea was still at work... Patrick and Shonna demonstrated their back bend skills! Jimmy and Grace Scotty and Meghan wiggling their faces! Jeff was hilarious! Laura, I have more pictures for you to see! Lindsey tested the standing up technique; Mike played in safe in the chair! wink!"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."- 1 John 2:5-6
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