Our Journey Home

Thursday, September 5, 2013

parmesan cheese on the bathroom floor

It was almost time for dinner. I was standing at the kitchen counter, chopping up vegetables. David was outside grilling, and the children were playing at the table with a few toys.

All of a sudden, Bella exclaimed, "Mommy! JJ just poured cheese all over the bathroom!"

I whirled around. "What??"

"Go look! He was shaking it and shaking it everywhere!" Bella pointed to the bathroom. I saw our little man standing at the scene of the crime. His toes were covered in parmesan cheese.

I had to take a deep breath. wink.

 "I shake it, " was his only attempt at an explanation. "No no, JJ. We shake the cheese on our food, not the floor. No, no." I brushed off his little feet, and carried him to his crib for a time out.

 I gathered up materials- dust pan and small broom, paper towels and cleaning spray. As I was on my hands and knees wiping up the floor, I was asking myself, "How did he get that cheese? How did this happen?"And then I realized,  I know exactly how JJ was able to make such a mess, because I do it too. I make a mess all too often.

I left the parmesan cheese within JJ's reach. I took my eyes off of our little boy for a moment. I was distracted, and... parmesan cheese went everywhere. The same scenario plays out for me. Temptation surrounds me; the world is always just within my reach. And, if I take my eyes off the Lord, if I become too distracted to listen to the Holy Spirit... I make a mess.

I am so very thankful for my Savior, who knew that my mess would be too big for me. He knew that I could never be 'good' enough so He made a way for me. He sent His One and Only Son to die, for my sins. As I hugged our little boy and heard those sweet words, "I sorry, Mama. Please give me." (That's how JJ says please forgive me, it is adorable!) I praise God for  the gift of forgiveness and for His perfect love for us!

He melts my heart!
"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him." -1 John 2:5a

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