Our girls love to go to the inflatables playground, Jumpin' Beans, in Wake Forest. Last Friday, as I was washing dishes, I realized I hadn't heard a peep from Wubs or Bella in about 10 minutes. I was drying my hands to go check on them when Wubs ran into the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I want to show you something and it's dangerous but please don't say no, okay?"( Hmmmmm... ) Wubs took my hand and we walked to the living room, where the girls had put every single couch and loveseat pillow on the floor. "Can we jump, Mommy? Pleeeease?" I thought they were so creative, to make a homemade Jumpin' Beans, I just couldn't say no! wink.
"Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind, for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth." - Psalm 26:2-3
I'm so glad we got to be apart of your jumping beans!