For the last several months, the girls and I have had the precious opportunity to spend time at Miss Christine's house every Thursday morning. I know that God ordained this unique friendship, between a sweet 83 year old woman and me & our little girls. Miss Christine has two bird feeders in her front yard, and each week, Wubs and Bella would run to the bag of birdseed. Miss Christine would give each of the girls a plastic cup to fill with birdseed and a spoon to sprinkle the seeds into the feeders or on the ground. After feeding the birds, Miss Christine would always offer the girls something from her pantry or cookie jar. There were a few Thursdays where Miss Christine pulled out her photo albums and spoiled me with beautiful old photos from when her husband served at Pearl Harbor. Bella would always bring toys to 'share' with Miss Christine and Wubs enjoyed coloring pictures at the coffee table. When it was time to leave, the girls would always hug Miss Christine good-bye and wave out their car window until we turned the corner and her house was no longer in sight. We loved Miss Christine, and I know she loved us too. But we won't be having our Thursday morning dates anymore. Miss Christine passed away this week while she was sleeping. We are praying that she in heaven with Jesus, and we are thankful for the times we shared with her. It really reminds me of how short life is, and how important it is to share the gospel.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the Lord. - Jeremiah9:23-24
AWWWW So sorry to hear about Miss Christine. My heart breaks for you guys. I pray that the girls will have an easytime of this situation. And the family will come to know christ, thru you and her visits. If you need anything Sarah call me. I really miss you alot. I need one of your HUGS!!! and the girls too. Take care Love ya always Catherine
Beautifully put Sarah. It brings tears to my eyes. I looked forward to hearing about your Thursdays and I will miss your stories. Miss Christine is such a precious woman - I love your picture and I'm so glad to have her name with her face.
What precious memories your girls will carry on of Miss Christine! I know that she was impacted greatly by your sweet family. I pray too that Miss. Christine's family took away nuggets of truth from your words and testimony!
AWWWW So sorry to hear about Miss Christine. My heart breaks for you guys. I pray that the girls will have an easytime of this situation. And the family will come to know christ, thru you and her visits. If you need anything Sarah call me. I really miss you alot. I need one of your HUGS!!! and the girls too. Take care Love ya always Catherine
ReplyDeleteWonderful! I am so glad you posted this! I love you sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully put Sarah. It brings tears to my eyes. I looked forward to hearing about your Thursdays and I will miss your stories. Miss Christine is such a precious woman - I love your picture and I'm so glad to have her name with her face.
ReplyDeleteWhat precious memories your girls will carry on of Miss Christine! I know that she was impacted greatly by your sweet family. I pray too that Miss. Christine's family took away nuggets of truth from your words and testimony!