Our Journey Home

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wubs' Soccer Team

We had a much happier little soccer girl this week! She still prefered the practice time to the actual game time, but hooray- there were no tears! Earlier in the week, I was asking Wubs what she liked best about soccer in an attempt to get her excited about the upcoming 'soccer day'. She told me she liked kicking the ball, and after a few moments of thoughtful consideration, she added, "But you know what I'd really like, mama? To hold those things that you shake and say 'Yeah! Yeah friends!'." Wubs, our very own soccer cheerleader! Wink!

As we were leaving the soccer game, I was trying to hold Wubs' hand in the parking lot. She kept pulling her hand away, so I explained
that I needed to hold her hand to keep her safe from all the cars trying to drive away from soccer practice. Wubs said, "But mommy, when you hold my hand, I can't eat my snack from the Streakers!" (Wubs was trying to eat a snack from one of the team parents. The Strikers team, that is.) Coach Scott overheard our conversation and he said, "That would make for some pretty interesting uniforms, wouldn't it?" David and I laughed and laughed!

This is Daddy's first week back at school. Wubs decided to make him some pencils to take to class. We love you Daddy!

"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."- 1 John 2:5-6

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