Today was a 'Goldfish store' day. It was extra special because JJ got to use his new shopping cart cover. (It was given to me at one of our baby showers last spring. Now that JJ can sit up, it was time to test it out!) He thought he was such a big boy! Luckily, I had the camera inside the diaper bag so I snapped a quick picture to share:
I gave Emma Grace a hug and I told her that sometimes that just happens with those machines- they like to gobble up money. I explained that I didn't have anymore coins in my wallet but next time, we'll remember to bring an extra quarter, just in case. Chin down to her chest, our oldest daughter walked through the parking lot to our car.
I was discerning how I should handle this situation. On one hand, it's okay that she is feeling disappointed, but on the other hand-well, geesh! The girls have oodles of toys at home, and that little trinket would be forgotten in a week anyway. I buckled up our three children, loaded the Goldfish into the back of our car, and as I started pulling out of our parking space I asked, "Wubs, are you okay?"
"Yes, mommy. I can still be joyful because, after all, I have lots of toys at home.
My eyes filled with tears! "Oh baby! You're right!! And you know what? The exact same things that satan intends for bad, God uses for good! Satan was hoping that your day was going to be ruined. He hoped that you were going to be grumpy and mad about that little toy. But God took what happened and He taught you that REAL joy doesn't cost a quarter! God showed you that you can be thankful for what you have already been given! Hooray! I am SO HAPPY that the machine ate your quarter!"
"Yea. Maybe I will get a toy next time and maybe not. It's okay!"
Wow! Go God! We are so excited to see the Lord at work within the hearts of our children!
Oh! And one last picture... I wanted to post our Christmas Quilt. I took the idea of the Jesse Tree ( and instead of making ornaments, we are completing a block for our quilt each day until Christmas. It has been such a treat to learn about the lineage of Jesus every morning as a family!
How precious, Sarah! So thankful for those moments! We had a little moment today when my sweet 2 year old told me that there is only 1 God in 3 people and he named the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! God is so good!
ReplyDeleteWhat a precious story! I love how you are training your children's hearts for him! And I love the Christmas Quilt. What a great idea!!!