Our Journey Home

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lesson of the Day...

Today Bella, our baby of few words, taught me a lesson. When giving your 15 month old a snack, even if it is something as innocent as a yummy granola bar- always read the label. Apparently, some granola bars have a very high fiber content.
( 9 grams of fiber, actually). Daddy, our wonderful coupon-cutter and grocery store shopper, is always surprising us with good deals he's found.(David is amazing at saving money! You'll have to ask him about the brick in our toilet trick. ) One of the many 'deals' he got this week was a box of peanut butter BeneFIT granola bars from Wal-Mart. Yum! Bella loves granola bars, so last night, as a delicious snack, I offered Bella one of the new treats.

Bella loved the granola bar- however, the fiber has clearly taken effect. I have spent the day changing diapers, baby clothes, sheets, blankets, and even washing her beloved 'baby'. It wasn't until after all this excitement that I went back and read the label on the box of granola bars. Lesson learned. wink.

Here are some pictures of Emma Grace being a loving big sister and giving Bella a push on our swing set! When I look at our girls smiling, I can't help but feel like God has really spoiled me!

'May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.'- Psalm 19:14


  1. Are you conducting a contest for the "guess why a brick is in yer toilet tank?" cuz if so, I know!

  2. You're so funny! David heard that if you put a brick in the back of your toilet, it raises the water level, so you actually save money on your water bill. And it works!!! Isn't he smart?

  3. Ohh...that's so funny! Cute story!
