Our Journey Home

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I'm sitting at our kitchen table right now. I'm watching Bella play with Play-doh and all her little play-doh accessory toys. Wubs is in the living room, snuggled up in a blanket while she watches a movie we checked out at the libray. Baby J.J. is on the move in my tummy almost all the time. (His kicks are getting really strong now!) David is home from work because our church follows the school closing schedule for inclement weather, so we get a bonus 'daddy day' this week. It's only 9am and it has already been a wonderful day! wink! I have much more to write about, but for today, I just wanted to share that I am very blessed.

"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love."- Psalm 103:8

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Sarah! I love those times when I can sit down and feel so overly blessed that it chokes me up! I was at a very low point right before Christmas and the Lord has used that to fill me up now with more of those precious moments of feeling so blessed. I'm so happy for you, my friend!
