Our Journey Home

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mission: Disinfection

We're at home. It feels strange, since we are usually at the church from about 7:45am until 1pm on a 'typical' Sunday morning. Since David and I both work in children's ministry, Sundays are always busy and exciting! But today is different. Daddy left for church all alone, and I stayed behind with the girls. Bella has been running a fever since last night and this morning, she has vomited twice. Emma Grace seems fine, but I am a big advocate of the family quaranteen! wink! (I would hate to send Emma Grace to church to spend time with her friends since she might be carrying the 'bug' too.)

So today, in between snuggles, I am officially on mission disinfection! I am washing sheets, towels, and blankets. I'm cleaning the bathrooms and wiping off every surface. I have opened the windows on this beautiful spring day to help air out any germs. I refuse to let this virus take us down without a fight! wink!

"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advise."- Proverbs 13:10


  1. Awww...look at her!!! We missed all of you McNeill girls this morning! Praying Bella feels better soon and everyone else is protected! ☺ Love you!!

  2. Get better, girls! I pray it goes as quickly as it hit.

  3. duhnt duhnt duhn-duhn duhnt duhnt duhn-duhn, dananaaaa, dananaaaaa, dananaaaaaa, duhnaaaaaaaaaa .... that's my mission song I'm singing while I'm reading your blog!!!!

    Poor Bella, she looks rough! Love ya!
