Today we spent some time outside, enjoying another beautiful day, and the girls had a running race. Emma Grace was the 'winner' because she reached the end first but she is five, and well, Bella is only 3. I watched to see what would happen next. Bella dropped her head, because she realized that although she had been running with all her might, she just couldn't keep up. Wubs said, "Bella, it's okay! My legs go faster because they are bigger. But you are going to grow up like me soon!" Bella perked right up and the two continued to play together happily. It blessed my heart.
Emma Grace's kind encouragement also really convicted me. She didn't try to take any glory when she won the race- instead, she recognized that it wasn't a fair competition. I know that I shouldn't, but my flesh often times tempts me to compare myself with others. (Which isn't fair because there isn't anything 'good' that I can do, and I have no right to take credit for what Christ has done.) I might compare myself to the woman at Wal-Mart who speaks to her children in anger, pridefully thinking to myself that I have more self control than that. Or I might compare myself to a married woman I think is flirting with another man, deciding that I wouldn't ever intentionally dishonor my husband in such a way. In fact, I could spend some serious time here, writing all the ways I compare myself to others. I really stink!
But, luckily for me, the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to this 'pet sin' that I have, and I repent of it daily. I am so thankful for a Savior who knows all my yuck, and loves me anyway. A pastor once said, " I am the most sinful person I know. I know my every thought, ill intention, and sin nature. I can honestly say that I am the most sinful person I know." Wow. That is so true! I shouldn't compare myself to anyone else but instead, I need to work every day to be more like Jesus. It is only because of Christ's blood shed on the cross that my sins have been washed away. I am a sinner but I have been forgiven. Praise the Lord for His mercies new everyday!
Here are some pictures I took today. From Polly Pockets swimming on our deck to mudpies in the yard, our girls have had a wonderful day!
I love all your posts when I have the chance to catch up on them...I of course have still been hopless about posting...'ast one was in August...oops!!! Maybe one of these days I will get better at it. I just wnated to drop a quick line now that we are settled in our new house that you look beautiful! Loved the belly shot! Joe and I will find out on the 29th (as long as baby lets us see) what we are having! Can't wait! Have a great day! Holly