(I love this picture of the girls playing a reading game on the computer together! The picture has nothing to do with my post but I wanted to include it anyway. wink!) One of the sweet gifts we recieved over the weekend at our baby showers was a gift card to Target. I knew right away what we could use it for... a diaper bag! When Wubs and Bella were babies, their diaper bag doubled as my pocketbook, too. It was always easier to keep everything in one bag, and when you are a nursing mommy, you rarely leave home without the baby anyway... so a separate pocketbook is not even necessary! Today, we went shopping and it was so fun to look at all the baby items with Emma Grace and Bella. They are really getting excited about their baby brother! When we got to the diaper bag section, there were only about 8 styles to choose from. A few of the bags were immediately disqualified by the girls because they were pink and J.J. needed a 'boy bag'. We narrowed our favorites down to two bags, both very similar in size and features... but one bag cost about $15 more than the other. My gift card was enough to cover the cost of the less expensive bag, but I really liked the design on the other bag. We took a vote. Bella liked the expensive bag, and Wubs preferred the other. Wubs said, "Mommy, you get to break the tie! You will be the tie breaker!" I did some thinking outloud. "Hmmmmm. Well, I really like both of them." Wubs said, "But which one do you like MOST?" "I think I like this one a little more, but it costs more money. And they are both really cute..." Wubs put her hand on my arm and said, "Mommy, I think you need to remember that the dollars is the most important thing. If you don't have enough dollars, we shouldn't get that one." I laughed outloud and gave Wubs a big hug! She was baffled by my giggles because she wasn't trying to be funny! It was just such a sweet thing to say and she was so serious in her delivery of her advice. Plus, she was absolutely right... it would have been silly to overspend when they were both equally cute and the exact same size. So, we went home with the one that didn't require us to spend beyond our gift card, and I left feeling so happy that our daughter has such a sensible little head on her shoulders! ha ha! (Here it is below!)
"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."- 1 Corinthians 13:7-8
Oh I love it!! So cute!! And Mr. Andy would be soooo proud of "budget conscious Wubs!!" ☺