Favorite activities: JJ loves to play with his sisters, and he especially likes to throw toys! He also likes to be outside, wrestle with daddy, dance with mommy, and splash in the bathtub.
Sleep habits: JJ takes three naps each day and then he goes down at about 7:30pm for the night. He wakes up around 6am and he is all smiles!
Favorite foods: JJ still likes pizza the best, but some other favorites include chicken nuggets, cheese cubes, and grits.
Dislikes: I know this will sound bad, but JJ doesn't like fruits or vegetables. (Well, unless they are mixed in with some meat.) JJ also strongly dislikes being buckled into his carseat. He enjoys riding in the car, but he really doesn't like getting buckled. Whew, let me tell you- he is strong! wink!
Motor Skills: JJ can sit up, scoot on his bottom, and roll everywhere! I have a feeling that once he starts walking, he is going to be fast!
And, so I won't forget his sweet little rolls, here are a few pictures of JJ in his new train conductor hat from Nana. I could just eat him up. We are so blessed!
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