Our Journey Home

Monday, January 14, 2013

"taste and see..."

We have a very picky eater at our house. She is excited to take ballet lessons, she's always eager to play a new game, she loves to learn her homeschool lessons, and she's the first to wake up every morning. But she doesn't dare try a new food- not ever ever. wink.

I can be like that sometimes, too. I can dig in my heels and refuse to try. I can refuse to try "God's way". Does that ever happen to you? I know what scripture says, and I know God's ways are perfect, yet my flesh tempts me to want to try to do things MY way. I don't want to try and I turn away. I confess to you that sometimes...I can refuse to trust God in all circumstances. But you know what? Just like our picky eater, I'm left feeling empty whenever I do this.

While I was having my quiet time, I was reading in Psalm 34. I came to a verse that literally seemed to jump off the page. "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." God showed me this verse on the very same day that Bella decided to try some homemade biscuits. I don't know what prompted her to try them, but she did. And guess what? She ate three! God used Bella's eating habits to remind me that I need to taste and see!  I cannot be selective about when I will and when I won't trust His plans. When I fully surrender, I will be fully satified in Christ. He IS good, and I am SO blessed when I find my refuge in Him.
The girls were having a fashion show in our kitchen last week. Woo woo!

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."- Psalm 34:8

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