Our Journey Home

Thursday, September 6, 2012

in the details

David took this picture last week while I was flat-ironing Wubs' hair. Bella had already gotten her hair flat-ironed, and she was helping me brush Emma Grace's hair. (And JJ was supervising. wink!) Oh, how I love beautiful straight hair! However, that is not what the Lord has given me. He has given me gobs of thick, crazy curls. Yep, when God made me, He gave me big ol' messy ringlets instead of smooth locks. But as I was looking at this picture, I got to thinking...
In this small, nearly insignificant detail, curly hair instead of straight hair, God knew exactly how He wanted to form me. He knew that my husband would love curly hair and by His design, He made me beautiful for David. That is incredible! One thing that the Lord has been teaching me a lot lately is that He is in full control. His plans and His ways are perfect. And God is certainly in the details- every last little one!
"But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his understanding."- Jeremiah 10:12

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes friend! Our God is a God of providence and details!!!
